Abstract:Applying delayed luminescence analysis method, the effects of γrays irradiation on wheat seed (Yangmai 13 and Yangmai 15) was investigated. The relaxation of delayed luminescence could be expressed as the followed nonlinear equation, Y^=b1+b2e-b3t1+b4t, the correlation coefficent of measurement data with the equation above was over 99%. When =0,Y^0 = b1 + b2 , under certain luminescence, the higher the radiation dose, the lower the initial luminescence intensity (Y^0)was. Further more, a significant negative correlativity between the radiation dose and the initial luminescence intensity was verified by the F test result, which was coincident between the both wheat varieties. The seedling height was coincident with the initial luminescence intensity of irradiated seed. Based on the data above, we could come to a conclusion that delayed luminescence technique would be useful for a deep understanding of the effeet of γrays on crops seed quality.