Abstract:Photoacoustic imaging, which was developed in recent years, is a new and noninvasive medical imaging technology. The imaging technique uses laser pulses to generate photoacoustic signal, and transmit the tissue information with ultrasonic, and reconstruct the image of tissue structure and function information with the corresponding reconstruction algorithm. It combines the characteristic of optical imaging and ultrason imaging, provides high resolution and high contrast tomographic images of the deep tissue and has a wide range of applications in biomedical clinical diagnosis as well as in vivo imaging. Currently, there are two scanning modes for photoacoustic microscopy:photoacoustic microscopy system based on twodimensional scanning galvanometer and photoacoustic microscopy system based on stepping motor. In this work, considering the limitations of the low speed of stepping motor based photoacoustic microscopy (0.001 frame/s) and small scanning scope of scanning galvanometer based photoacoustic microscopy (<1 mm2), we developed an largefield photoacoustic microscopy with rapid scanning based on linear motor. The scanning speed of this technique is 200 mm/s。The technique is based on a linebyline method to collect the photoacosutic signal, which is 800 times faster than the stepmotor based photoacoustic microscopy with pointbypoint gathering of photoacosutic signal. The scanning speed of this system is 0.8 frames per second in the field of 10 mm×10 mm. The maximum scanrange can reach 50 mm×50 mm. The development of the large field rapid photoacoustic microimaging system will provide new imaging tools for biomedical science.