Abstract:A system for twodimensional photoacoustic imaging with a continuousstepping scan of a linear motor is reported. The system is in the form of a bowtype curve during motion, in which the linear motor moves continuously in the Xaxis direction, Yaxis direction to have a step by step movement, capture card in the Xaxis motor movement in the process of continuous acquisition. The imaging system is larger than the previous method of scanning the galvanometer, and can reach the biological tissue photoacoustic imaging in the centimeter scale range. Compared with the previous stepping motor, the scanning speed can be improved obviously. At the same time, Driving the light and ultrasonic transducers without moving the motor can make the sample scanning more flexible.In addition, the use of embedded carbon wire simulation samples and in vivo mouse ear blood vessels to verify the imaging capabilities of the system. The experimental results show that this fast photoelectrical twodimensional microscopic imaging system can be used to achieve highresolution imaging in vivo, and is expected to be a noninvasive, realtime photoacoustic microscope for biomedicine.