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Genetic Polymorphism and Structure of 29 Y-STR Loci from Populations of Hui, Miao and Yi in Guizhou Area and Analysis of Their Genetic Relationships with Seven Other Populations

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摘要 摘 要:对贵州回族、苗族、彝族开展29个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性及群体遗传结构分析,并与其他7个群体进行遗传关系比较研究,探讨其在法医学和群体遗传学中的实际应用价值。应用DNATyperTMY29试剂盒对309名贵州苗族、331名贵州彝族和291名贵州回族无关个体进行检测,统计29个Y-STR基因座的等位基因频率及基因多样性等群体遗传学参数,采用YHRD在线软件进行AMOVA分析。在贵州回族、苗族和彝族3个民族的931个无关个体中观察到816种单倍型,其单倍型多样性分别为0.995 5、0.998 9和0.999 1。基因多样性(GD)值分别为0.289 9~0.874 7、0.252 3~0.915 5和0.316 2~0.947 9,10个人群间的遗传距离在0.007 8~0.138 9。研究表明,这29个Y-STR基因座在贵州回族、苗族和彝族3个人群中有较高的多态性分布。本研究所得数据可为上述人群的法医学和群体遗传学研究提供基础数据支撑。
中图分类号:Q987       文献标志码:ADOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-7146.2021.01.007
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王 晶
谢 颖
江 丽
张 建
Abstract:Abstract: Genetic polymorphism and structure analysis of 29 Y-STR loci from populations of Hui, Miao and Yi in Guizhou area were studied, and their genetic relationships with seven other populations were analyzed. DNATyperTMY29 kit was used to detect samples in 309 individuals of Miao, 291 individuals of Hui and 331 individuals of Yi of Guizhou. The allele frequency and gene diversity of 29 Y-STR loci were analyzed, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was analyzed by YHRD online software. 816 different haplotypes were observed in 931 unrelated individuals from the three ethnic groups of Hui, Miao and Yi in Guizhou, and the haplotype diversities were determined as 0.995 5, 0.998 9 and 0.999 1. The genetic diversity (GD) in Hui, Miao and Yi were 0.289 9 to 0.874 7, 0.252 3 to 0.915 5 and 0.316 2 to 0.947 9, individually. AMOVA analysis showed that the genetic distance among 10 populations ranged from 0.007 8 to 0.138 9. The results showed that the 29 Y-STR loci were highly polymorphic in Hui, Miao and Yi populations in Guizhou. The data obtained in this study can provide basic data support for forensic science and population genetics research of the above population.
Key words: polymorphism; population genetics; DNATyperTMY29 kit; Y-STR; forensic genetics
(Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 2021, 30(1): 052-058)
王 晶,马温华,董颖强,刘星雨,谢 颖,江 丽,李万水,赵兴春,张 建. 贵州回族、苗族和彝族29个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性及与其他7个群体遗传结构分析[J]. 激光生物学报, 2021, 30(1): 52-58. WANG Jing, MA Wenhua, DONG Yingqiang, LIU Xingyu, XIE Ying, JIANG Li, LI Wanshui, ZHAO Xingchun, ZHANG Jian. Genetic Polymorphism and Structure of 29 Y-STR Loci from Populations of Hui, Miao and Yi in Guizhou Area and Analysis of Their Genetic Relationships with Seven Other Populations. journal1, 2021, 30(1): 52-58.
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