Abstract:Abstract: Silicon is an important element in the earth’s crust, and only rice can absorb silicon ion. However, there is little research on the effect of foliar application of silicon fertilizer on rice yield and disease and insect resistance. To study the effect of foliar silicon fertilizer, we analyzed the effects of foliar application of silicon fertilizer on agronomic traits, disease and insect resistance, through field test in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Field test results showed that fertilized rice leaves are darker in color and have stronger stalks, enhanced lodging resistance, and tillering number, the panicle number, the grains number per panicle, thousand-grain weight and yield of rice are increased. Fertilized rice has less infection of striped rice borer and without rice sheath blight compared to control. Leaf inoculation test in vitro further indicated that, foliar application of silicon fertilizer can significantly increase the resistance to sheath blight in rice.
Key words: rice; foliar silicon fertilizer; agronomic trait; resistance to disease and insect; rice sheath blight
(Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 2021, 30(3): 270-275)
张 阳,赵 瑞,刘士广,玄元虎,梅 琼. 叶面喷施硅肥对水稻农艺性状和抗性的影响[J]. 激光生物学报, 2021, 30(3): 270-275.
ZHANG Yang, ZHAO Rui, LIU Shiguang, XUAN Yuanhu, MEI Qiong. The Effects of Foliar Application of Silicon Fertilizer on Agronomic Traits and Resistance in Rice. journal1, 2021, 30(3): 270-275.